Tay Lab News
Existing drug masitinib identified as potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2: LINK
Dr. Tay received 2019 Allen Distinguished Investigators Award: LINK
New 'lab-on-a-chip' can test thousands of stem cells simultaneously: LINK
UChicago biotech startup raises $2M to develop feces biosensors: LINK.
Getting the scoop on poop: UChicago Wellnews
News article on GEN.
New Postdoc position available on spatially resolved single-cell analysis from tissue. (September 2017)
Alicia's paper "Integrated platform for cell culture and dynamic quantification of cell secretion" was published on Lab on a Chip. (November 2017)
Alumni Dr. Michael Junkin (as Senior Scientist in Tay Lab), got a new position in Complete Genomics as microfluidic engineer. (August 2017)
Andy's paper "Universal Signal Generator for Dynamic Cell Stimulation" was published on Lab on a Chip. (May 2017)
Ryan and Savas' paper "Cellular Decision Making by Non-Integrative Processing of TLR Ligands" was published on Cell Reports. (February 2017)
New Postdoc Dr. Luke Vistain and rotation Ph.D. Student Brooke Schuster (Chemistry Department) joined our lab. (January 2017)
Postdoc and PhD student open positions available, check it out!

Savas' paper "Noise Induces Hopping between NF-kB Entrainment Modes" is on the cover of Cell Systems. (December 2016)
Tino and Savas' paper "A microfluidic device for measuring cell migration towards substrate bound and soluble chemokine gradients" got published in Scientific Reports (November, 2016).
Rotation Ph.D. students Van Phan Hoang, Parthiv Patel and Alan Selewa joined our lab. (September 2016)
Dr. Nir Drayman joined our lab. (September 2016)

Michael's paper "High-content quantification of single-cell immune dynamics" is on the cover of Cell Reports. (April 2016)
Cem and Christian's paper "Digital quantification of proteins and mRNA in single cells" was reported about in Genome Web. (March 2016)
Professor Savas Tay has accepted a position as an Associate Professor in Molecular Engineering at the Institue of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago. (November 2015)
Michael's paper "Microfluidic single-cell analysis for systems immunology" was featured in the Lab On a Chip 2014 Most Accessed Articles collection as one of the top 30 most downloaded articles of 2014! (September 2015)
Tino's paper "Automated co-culture system for spatiotemporal analysis of cell-to-cell communication" was featured in the Lab on a Chip blog . (July 2015)
Tino's paper "Automated co-culture system for spatiotemporal analysis of cell-to-cell communication" was published in Lab on a Chip. (May 2015)
Matthias and Tino's paper "Real-time tracking, retrieval and gene expression analysis of migrating human T cells" is on the cover of Lab on a Chip. (March 2015)
Ryan's paper "Noise facilitates transcriptional control under dynamic inputs" was published in Cell. (January 2015)
A video from Matthias and Tino's paper "Real-time tracking, retrieval and gene expression analysis of migrating human T cells" is now on the Lab on a Chip YouTube page. (December 2014)
Hsiung-Lin was awarded the EMBO Long-Term Fellowship!
Matthias and Tino's paper "Real-time tracking, retrieval and gene expression analysis of migrating human T cells" was accepted to Lab on a Chip.
Alicia participated in a movie about studying Biotechnology at the D-BSSE.
Ryan's paper "High-throughput microfluidic single-cell analysis pipeline for studies of signaling dynamics" was published in Nature Protocols.
Serap was awarded the ETH Zurich Postdoc Fellowship!
Our new review article "Microfluidic single-cell analysis for systems immunology" is one of the most downloaded papers in Lab on a Chip! (February 2014)
A new review paper titled "Microfluidic single-cell analysis for systems immunology" was published in Lab on a Chip. (February 2014)
ETH Life covered Savas Tay's ERC Starting Grant award. (August 2013)
Turkish Radio and Television News covered Savas Tay's ERC Starting Grant award. (July 2013)
ETH Zurich is ranked 12th overall, and 8th in engineering, with a steady upward movement in the last decade.
Our single-cell analysis method is one of the technology features covered by Nature: "The Deepest Differences".
Microfluidic single-cell analysis work covered by the journal Science: "The power of one".
Our paper on digital NF-κB signaling regarded "Exceptional" by Faculty of 1000 Biology, and was ranked #2 among all Biology papers as of July 29, 2010.
In signaling, not all cells are equal (nice review of our NF-κB paper) by Biotechniques.com
New paper published in Nature: "Single-cell NF-κB dynamics reveal digital activation and analogue information processing" (Nature 466, 267-271, July 2010). [PDF]
Stanford news story on digital signaling in cells.
Seminar at ETH Zurich, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (June, 2010).
Seminar at University of Illinois, Chicago, Bioengineering Department (March 12, 2010).
Seminar at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Bioengineering Department (March 10, 2010).
Presented at the Biophysical Society 54th Annual Meeting in San Francisco (February 23, 2010).
Seminar at Emory University Dept. of Physics (March 3, 2010).
Seminar at NIH Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (March 2010).
Seminar at NYU Medical School, Skirball Institute (Jan 26, 2010).
Invited talk at SPIE Photonics West (BiOS) on the use of microfluidics in decoding genetic signaling networks, San Francisco (25 January, 2010).
Seminar at Boston University Bioengineering Department (Jan 20, 2010).
Seminar at UNC Chapel Hill Dept. of Biology (Jan 7, 2010).
Gave a talk at APS March Meeting about latest results on the systems biology of NF-κB (2010, Portland, OR).
Seminar at the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department, University of Arizona (Nov 24, 2009).
Giving a talk at BMES at the cell signaling session, October 09, Pittsburgh (missed the talk!).
Presented a poster at International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) September at Stanford, CA.
Presented at (Q-BIO) conference, August 09, Los Alamos, NM.
3D display spin-off company launched by former UA team TIPD LLC.
New paper published: Plasmonic narrow-band thermal IR emitter based on nano-amorphous carbon (APL 94, 071113) (2/2009) [PDF]
Our holographic displays were featured on CNN (Holographic TV to become reality) Oct, 2008.
PhD dissertation nominated for the CGS Award by the University of Arizona, Aug 2008.
3D displays at the cover of (OPN) (Optics and Photonics News) July, 2008.
Presented photorefractive 3-D displays at an invited talk at the (International Conference on Organic Electronics) (ICOE 2008) in Eindhoven, Netherlands 6/17/08.
Started a new postdoctoral position at (Steve Quake's lab) at (Stanford Bioengineering).